Who we are?
I am a happy and proud owner of a male and two female rhodesian ridgebacks. I read first about the breed in a book when I was a child. I was amazed by staring the picture of a ridgy dog; its history with Africa and the lionthunting totally mistified me. I met the first ridgeback years later in another country, he was so majestic and elegant that I could not get rid of that picture for a while. The lifestyle I had with lot of traveling between countries did not support me to have any kind of pet at home, since I spent most of my time en route.
I moved back to Hungary in 2011 and my living conditions finally allowed me to think about having the utmost breed in my home.
Bukavu-Bawu Gamba was born out of the "marriage" Ch. Abuya von Dela-Eden and Bukavu-Bawu Pamuzinda on 27.03.2012. I chosed his name by purpose, first because it was the G-litter, second because he was the smallest and the last puppy who arrived to the new world in this litter. Shortly, he catched up with his sisters without any problem. The name "Gamba" means "young fighter, warrior" in Shona (african tribal) language.
Gamba is very self-confident, he has been already stable at very young age. Friendly with people, horses and with most of the dogs, plus luckily he also gets along with small children. We passed the obedience exam, although we keep learning and still doing some training.
He is very successful in the showring, champion of different countries including the Interchampion title in 2014. Not just that he is doing great on the dogshows but also a stud dog. Gamba has very impressive personality, social behaviour and kindness, not to mention his excellent movement. He gives such a big happiness to our family.
On the 25th of March last year, 12 beautiul puppies were born out ot the marriage Ch. Harmakhis Wisdom Quasar and Ch. Bulawayo Baobab E-Saavik in the Muhabura Kennel in Hungary. The orange girl moved into our home in two months. Sophie (Muhabura Princely Sophie of Hungary) brought lot of fun and happiness into our days. She is a very brave and cool girl, learns easily and likes to work. We tested her show skills at the age of 3 months, when she went on her first dog show ever. I still can't believe that she won the Baby Best in Show that night. More and more nice winnings followed this period, she was selected for Puppy Best in Show, took reserve Junior Best in Show and other nice titles. She became junior campion in three countries and adult champion of 5 countries. Beside these titles she is also Interchampion and has many placements on Club shows and specialties. Sophie is a proven brood bitch, until now she produced 2 litters in total of 23 puppies.
I kept one of the promising girls from the 2018 litter. Since then Thora proved her skills on the shows and tracks. She has many titles from Junior class, obtained the most successful Junior dog in 2019, was qualified to compete on Crufts and won JBIS on both Specialty and Club Shows. Thora passed the breeding exam and from 2021 she is an approved brood bitch in our kennel.
Why Kishima?
Last year in Africa I got an unforgettable, lifelong experience. After a 5 days long walk uphill I finally reached the top of the Mount Kilimanjaro. Spending speechless hours and days, I had enough time to think about my future plans including the foundation of my kennel. As for the name of the kennel, I wanted something personal, special which reminds me of this great adventure of my life. The Mount Kilimanjaro has three volcanic cones, the KIBO, SHIRA and MAWENZI. I felt the first symptoms of the physical and mental weakness on the way to the Shira Plateau, but also remember the moment when the Mawenzi peak was smiling at me in the sunrise above 5000 m during the D-day (Summit Day). And finally, the Kibo itself means the conquer of the summit.
Having all these experience behind, the KISHIMA kennel was founded in the summer of 2016 with the stud dog Ch. Bukavu-Bawu Gamba and the brood bitch Ch. Muhabura Princely Sophie of Hungary. I strongly believe that the majestic spirit of the White Mountain will live longer in the Home of Kishima.
Although, I laid the foundation the actual building work has just started. I hope that with the continous learning, patience and courage I shall enjoy the fruits of the labor.
Welcome to the Home of Kishima! our door is open for everyone who is interested in this fantastic breed and the daily life of our kennel!
Andrea Deák
Owner of the Kishima Kennel